Category Archives: Uncategorized

Butterfly Series

I know that I have not posted for the last few days, but I have been busy creating some new products for my own shop.  I wanted to take a few moments to share the new pendants with you.


This is my Butterfly series of shrink plastic pendants.  Each pendant is hand drawn and colored by yours truly and then baked to create a bright and realistic looking butterfly.


I absolutely love making these Shrinky Dinks pendants.  The best part of my day is tossing a few scraps of plastic in the oven and watching then shrink and curl and turn into these beautiful pendants.


Thanks for indulging my shameless self promotion.  I will be posting some new reviews later today.

The Wonderful World of Etsy

Since joining Etsy as a shop owner, I have been introduced to some wonderful people, my fellow shop owners.  The Etsy community is all about helping other small business owners, so I will be featuring a new shop everyday.  You will get to see the amazing work these truly talented individuals have for sale and maybe you will find that “just can’t live without it” item you have been waiting for.  Please enjoy.